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Eddie’s Steady Start to Life After Racing

Eddie 4

A move the country eighteen months ago provided Jackie Parnell with the perfect opportunity to revive her lifelong passion for horses.

“I used to ride as a kid and throughout my teens and early-twenties”,  Jackie explains.

“After a couple of decades out of the saddle, I decided to get back into things. I started by taking some trail rides and having a few lessons.

“I met Heather Paix, of Patchwork Park Equine Services, when she was giving lessons at the Horsham and District Adult Riding Club. I was very impressed with her and her instruction.

“I followed Heather on Facebook and she said she had some standardbreds coming through retraining.  I thought ‘ooooh, I think I’ll have one of those’, after a positive introduction to the breed as a volunteer at my local RDA (Riding for the Disabled) centre.

“I still don’t know why I decided to get a green horse, but Eddie’s turned out to be such a character and a great partner for me”.

Since taking up residence in Jackie’s paddocks last November, Eddie has been enjoying a variety of exciting new ‘firsts’ as a riding horse.

“Eddie’s come along quite a lot since I first got him, as he’s smart and learns fast”, Jackie reflects.

“Eddie and I have been dabbling in dressage training and taking trail rides through a conservation park which is just up the road from us. My husband rides a bike and Eddie follows, or I ride out with friends. Eddie is very brave as a lead horse and when he sees new things he’s not sure about, he just stops and doesn’t panic.

“Eddie’s first riding club rally day was a bit overwhelming for him, being in an indoor arena with all the horses, but he eventually settled quite well. Fortunately, Heather was the instructor at our next rally and he went really well. Heather was very happy to see Eddie and it was a great experience.

“Eddie and I have been lucky to book some lessons with Heather when she has visited our region, which is lovely as she knows him so well and is such a fantastic coach”.

A ‘busy boy with the funniest character’, Eddie’s antics are a source of continued entertainment and laughs for his new family.

“Eddie gets bored easily and is the kind of horse who always has to keep himself busy”, Jackie explains.

“Recently, my husband was building a paddock shelter and Eddie was out there with him, every step of the way. Eddie had his nose on the drill, ‘helped’ lift planks and he stood patiently at the foot of the ladder whilst my husband climbed up, to make sure he was ok.

“I love Eddie’s personality and I also really enjoy riding him. The fact I already trust him so much is a big deal, especially as I’m just getting back into things and he’s so green.

“Although it’s still early days, Eddie has so much potential and I think he’s going to be a really good horse for anything I want to do.

“I am very happy with my choice to get a standardbred and grateful that Eddie’s racing connections, including his breeder Pat Driscoll, gave him the chance to find me”.