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Heroes on Display at Melbourne Royal


Three talented Hero Ambassadors took to the stage at the recent Melbourne Royal, proving that standardbreds are worthy competitors to the highest level across a variety of equestrian disciplines.

“Whiskey Business (aka Minty) and I were excited to compete in the sporting horse events at the Royal Melbourne Show”, Kylee Paull reflects.

“We placed second in the Bend Race and also in the Flag and Barrel Race.

“Luck was not on our side in the Stake Race, where we knocked a pole, but were happy to take home a fourth placing in the Barrel Race.

“We also competed in the Medley, which is a team event consisting of two other riders/horses. Together, we completed a led race, a bend and a flag race.  It was pretty special to place first!

“Overall, Melbourne Royal provided a very competitive day of racing, resulting in a lot of close finishes. Minty raced super well and had a ‘never give up’ attitude”.

Photo by Lisa Gordon

Sharing success and accolades at the Royal was fellow Hero Ambassador Kasbah Kid (affectionately known as ‘Hollis’).

“Hollis really shone on the Melbourne Royal Main Arena in the Hunting section”, explains Brooke Sweeney, of Fox Equestrian.

“Hollis competed in a very strong Light Weight Hunter class and held his own to get the first call off the circle and be the eventual Runner Up.

“The judge commented that she hadn’t previously rated standardbreds, but commended Hollis for being an exceptionally nice horse!”

Also changing breed perceptions was Hero Ambassador Future Bliss, known to his friends as ‘Barry’, who contested five Show Hunter Galloway classes across Novice and Open sections at the Melbourne Royal.

Photo by Kate Sheffield

“Barry was an absolute star during our stay at the Melbourne”, explains Barry’s owner, Katie West.

“Even with the big atmosphere, his work was amazing and worthy of a sixth placing in the Novice class.

“As soon as I realised we would be placing, I started crying. This was my first ever placing at a Royal show and such a special moment.

“The judge said the only thing that gave Barry being a standardbred away was his brand, which made me as proud as punch”.

“This horse owes me nothing yet gives me the world.  I’m so lucky to be his owner!”