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Patchwork Park Equine Services

Retrainer Name: Heather Paix
Location: Snake Valley VIC
Contact Number: 0438 038 275
Tell us a bit about your background

Grand Prix Level Dressage rider. Train monthly with Olympian Mary Hanna. VIC Dressage Development Squad Member for 2021 (members only accepted if multiple high % scores can be obtained within the eligibility period)

What is your favourite thing about the standardbred breed? 

Temperament is typically calmer than other breeds, and knee action at trot is highly desirable in Dressage. We are tempted to breed a STB mare to a WB stallion, just to see what would happen)

What do you enjoy most about the work you do? 

There’s something very satisfying about learning how to communicate with a horse in a way that creates trust and confidence. At the same time, it’s fascinating to try to teach a living animal how to use its body in a way that encourages suppleness and collection. It’s a very fine art, one that we never stop learning about.

What do you enjoy doing outside of your regular work? 

Our typical every day cycle is – Wake up, Eat, Play with horses, Eat, Sleep, and sometimes we have enough time for a massage to undo the broken bodies we build from this industry!

What is the best way to contact you?

Heather – 0438 038 275