Enjoy the ninth episode of The HRV HERO Show, when hosts Andrew Bensley and Kima Frenning present Harness Racing Victoria’s…
Natasha Pettingill has a long-standing affinity with the standardbred. From her first riding lesson on canter aboard trusty steed Rusty, who…
For as far back as she can remember, Jess Smith has always been infatuated with horses. It was on her…
Lou Abey will bring her stellar reputation in racehorse outplacement to HRV HERO, with Harness Racing Victoria’s life-after-racing program excited to…
Calm and kind standardbreds are changing young lives in a special partnership between retired harness racehorses and Riding for the…
Racing identity Kima Frenning today starts in a new role as the HRV HERO promotions and media communications officer, helping…
With more than $185,000 in earnings Kasbah Kid proved himself a high performer in just over three years as a…
Victoria’s leading trainer has retired four horses into the HRV HERO program, who are now in the hands of retrainers…
For the people who work behind the scenes in harness racehorse retraining, there’s no feeling more wonderful than when the…
Christen Me’s “like family” to Dexter Dunn and so the Kiwi reinsman pounced when the chance presented to ensure the…