HRV Hero creates pathways and support for Harness Racing Victoria’s equine athletes into their lives beyond the track.
Since 2015 the program has assisted standardbreds, regardless of their on-track deeds, transition to diverse careers and forever homes, including showing, trail riding, dressage and as companions.
With the great support of the Victorian industry, Hero has been able to raise the bar and ensure racehorses continue to flourish long after their final race is run.
Latest Hero News
Carriage driving competitor Heather Dunn is the first to admit she’d never really considered taking on a standardbred. But, as…
With some wonderful memories from her junior years, Candice Himsley developed a soft spot for standardbreds early in her riding…
Chalking up one-hundred-and-thirteen races across his first eleven years of life, harness racing stalwart Defend Me Not NZ, known to…